Friday, March 30, 2007

Well, the conferences went okay. 60% of my parents came, so I had lots of time to knit! I now have 3 socks on the needles. Here are some pics, unfortunately with flash (but "night mode" so I think they look better).

That last one is actually up and running - I took that picture last night. I have a 'toe cup' and a few rows of the Rosie; the only thing is I think it's going to be too big (I have the worst time with that! The Santa Fe sock (first picture) is actually slightly small, so I just stuck some increases in there and I'm going to see how it fits - I really, really don't want to rip unless I absolutely have to!). I'm going to be away all weekend (um...with a bunch of tweens. NOT vacation or anything remotely like. And it's a long weekend...), but hopefully with lots of knitting time so I should have something to show on Tuesday!

1 comment:

Teal said...

I like the Rosie. Looks like you are using both DPNs and circular needles. Do you have a preference?