Sunday, February 04, 2007

I wrote

a long and colorful update about my Friday, yesterday, but Blogger ate it (to be fair it was a scheduled maintenance session but I was trying to tempt fate) and I gave up. I'll just say that the movie was postponed, and the home visit involved a building fire, real-life NYC firemen, and taking refuge from the cold and rain at a different student's house. So technically, I visited 4 students in one night, and I wore my handknit socks, and I knitted through most of those events - all of which made me feel extremely productive.

The blue-gray socks are moving along well - I really like using two circulars, it feels much more intuitive than Magic Loop did (I have spatial perception issues). And last night I even had a Project Spectrum dream! I went on a trip to Iran (of all places! Actually, I have a series of dreams about taking trips to Iran - which I've never been to - with various people. Maybe I should do that "weird" meme) with Lolly (that made me feel a bit like a stalker...but oh well), and we were riding around on a bus taking pictures of blue things. Sweetie was there too, and I woke up mad at him for not chasing away a creepy man trying to chat with me on the bus. I always stay mad at him for things that happened in dreams after I wake up, poor guy.

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